2 Synod Solution Annex

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We have lost the great struggle within the PCUSA.  Kudos to the hundreds and thousands who actively worked for restructuring in the PCUSA with the aim of creating a safe, unique place for evangelical congregations, while preserving a safe place for progressive congregations. The battle is over.  It was an epic battle that will be known throughout the Kingdom of Heaven, you should all be proud of yourselves for trying to find ways to keep the larger PCUSA family together.  I will see many of you on the other side in the ECO, the EPC, and the PCA.  We have much rebuilding to do, much infrastructure to replace (colleges to establish, seminaries to establish), so that the next fifty to one hundred years are far more fruitful.  On to the new missions, the new goals, the new accomplishments, and the new and future victories in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

The rejection, by the 2012 PCUSA General Assembly, of Non-Geographic Presbyteries, was heartbreaking.  Non-geographic Presbyteries would have genuinely carved out a safe place for everyone in the denomination.  The spiritual integrity of those historically more traditional and evangelical in their approach to theology, would have their spiritual integrity protected in their own non-geographic Presbyteries.  The spiritual integrity of the progressives would have been protected in their own non-geographic Presbyteries.  We would have had the option of coming together in Committees to work on issues of common concern.

Please see  the PFRs statement on the 2012 General Assembly.  I have also prepared the following web pages which contain some final restructuring proposals, in the event those options are ever given a chance of seeing the light of day, so to speak, by the current PCUSA General Assembly organs of governance.  

May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.  Amen.                    



Some congregations are looking into a congregational name change as a stop gap measure, e.g. making the congregation's name more missional and community based, not necessarily retaining the "Presbyterian" designation in the name of the congregation.  This will help as the 2014 PCUSA General Assembly has moved the PCUSA into the Unitarian and Progressive camps, in terms of their basic theological tenants.  This may not help with respect to any succession issues that may arise when a senior pastor retires, but it may help in the short term.      

May the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon you.

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